Additionally, as an alternative of being pressured into causes of varied varieties, existents should actively and self-consciously select to take part in them. In some ways, Beauvoir’s job is to explain the existentialist conversion alluded to by Sartre in Being and Nothingness, however postponed till the much later, incomplete try in his Cahiers Pour une Morale. For Beauvoir, an existentialist conversion allows us to stay authentically at the crossroads of freedom and facticity. Yet, she also develops the concept that in abstaining from encouraging the freedom of others, we’re acting against the ethical name of the other. After all I had no thought the place San Salvador really was. Of specific importance, Beauvoir expounds upon the concept human freedom requires the liberty of others for it to be actualized. The serious man upholds absolute and unconditioned values to which she or he subordinates his or her freedom. Thus the serious man is the last word example of bad religion as a result of slightly than looking for to embrace freedom, she or he seeks to lose into an external idol.
Freedom, in other words, can’t be escaped. So as as an instance the complexity of situated freedom, Beauvoir offers us with an essential element of development, improvement and freedom in the Ethics of Ambiguity. To ensure that us to live ethically then, we should assume this ambiguity slightly than attempt to flee it. In some ways, The Ethics of Ambiguity (1947) continues themes first developed in Pyrrhus et Cinéas. She defends this position by returning to an thought touched upon in Pyrrhus et Cinéas and more totally developed in the Ethics, which is that individual initiatives fall in upon themselves if there are not others with whom our initiatives intersect and who consequently carry our actions past us in space and time. This idea is perhaps best seen in Beauvoir’s critique of Hegel which runs all through this text. Although Hegel is just not the only philosopher with whom she is in dialogue (she addresses Kant, Marx, Descartes, and Sartre, as well) he represents the philosophical crystallization of the need for human beings to flee their freedom by submerging it into an exterior absolute.
As such, she is sharply vital of the Hegelian absolute, the Christian conception of God and abstract entities equivalent to Humanity, Country and Science which demand the individual’s renunciation of freedom into a static Cause. As such, Hegel’s Absolute represents an abstraction which is taken as the reality of existence which annihilates as an alternative of preserves the individual human lives which compose it. Beauvoir continues to consider within the contingency of existence in that there is no necessity that we exist and thus there isn’t any predetermined human essence or standard of worth. The severe man is the commonest attitude of flight as she or he embodies the desire that every one existents share to found their freedom in an goal, exterior standard. This requires that we interact our freedom in tasks which emerge from a spontaneous choice. Rather, to be free entails the acutely aware assumption of this freedom by means of initiatives that are chosen at every moment. In this sense, Beauvoir sets limits to freedom. But it’s simply this fragility that Beauvoir believes opens us up to a genuine possibility for ethics. However, Beauvoir can be emphatic that though existentialist ethics upholds the sanctity of individuals, an individual is all the time situated inside a group and as such, separate existents are essentially sure to one another.
Philosophies corresponding to those of Hegel, Kant, and Marx which privilege the universal are constructed upon the required diminution of the actual and as such, cannot be authentically moral techniques. Thus Hegel, for Beauvoir, sets up an “Absolute Subject” whose realization solely comes at the end of historical past, thereby justifying the sacrifice of countless people within the relentless pursuit of its own perfection. All world-views which demand the sacrifice and repudiation of freedom diminish the truth, thickness, and existential significance of the individual existent. Human existence, she argues, is at all times an ambiguous admixture of the inner freedom to transcend the given situations of the world and the weight of the world which imposes itself on us in a fashion exterior of our management and never of our own choosing. She begins this work by asserting the tragic condition of the human state of affairs which experiences its freedom as a spontaneous inner drive that’s crushed by the exterior weight of the world. She argues that each enterprise is expressed in a world populated by and thus affecting other human beings.