He’s a favourite with them however, in a sure means, as an trustworthy, inoffensive, sort-hearted creature; and as his peculiarities hurt no one, not even himself, we’re induced to hope that many who usually are not personally acquainted with him will take our good phrase in his behalf, and be content material to leave him to a protracted continuance of his harmless existence. Upon these, and many other momentous questions which agitate the public thoughts in these desperate days, they’ll discourse with nice vehemence and irritation for a substantial time together, each leaving off precisely where they began, and each completely persuaded that he has bought the higher of the opposite. The discourse then, by a straightforward transition, turns upon the spirit which glows within the bosom of Felix, upon which level Felix himself turns into eloquent, and relates a thrilling anecdote of the time when he used to sit up till two o’clock within the morning reading French, and the way his mother used to say, ‘Felix, you will make yourself ailing, I do know you’ll;’ and the way HE used to say, ‘Mother, I do not care-I’ll do it;’ and how ultimately his mom privately procured a doctor to come and see him, who declared, the second he felt his pulse, that if he had gone on studying one night time extra-only one night time more-he will need to have put a blister on each temple, and one other between his shoulders; and who, because it was, sat down upon the instant, and writing a prescription for a blue pill, stated it have to be taken instantly, or he wouldn’t reply for the implications.
The two chief topics of Felix’s discourse, are himself and his mom, both of whom would appear to be very wonderful and fascinating persons. Felix, then, is a younger gentleman who lives at house with his mother, simply throughout the twopenny-post office circle of three miles from St. Martin-le-Grand. He talks louder to the little group of army young gentlemen who’re standing by him, and coughs to induce some ladies in the following field but one to look round, so as that their faces may bear the same ordeal of criticism to which they have subjected, in not a wholly inaudible tone, the majority of the female portion of the audience. See how the flaxen-haired young gentleman with the weak legs-he who has his pocket-handkerchief thrust into the breast of his coat-glares upon the fainthearted civilians who linger to look upon his glory; how the subsequent young gentleman elevates his head within the air, and majestically locations his arms a-kimbo, whereas the third stands with his legs very extensive apart, and clasps his palms behind him. Really I hardly know,’ replies Miss Greenwood; ‘he’s such a very mysterious individual, that I usually marvel about him.’ ‘Well, to inform you the reality,’ replies Miss Marshall, ‘and so do I.’ Here two other young ladies profess that they are constantly doing the like, and all present seem in the same condition besides one young lady, who, not scrupling to state that she considers Mr. Fairfax ‘a horror,’ attracts down all the opposition of the others, which having been expressed in an awesome many ejaculatory passages, equivalent to ‘Well, did I ever!
If a fight takes place in a populous city, during which many noses are broken, and some home windows, the young gentleman throws down the newspaper with a triumphant air, and exclaims, ‘Here’s your valuable folks! The censorious younger gentleman has the popularity amongst his familiars of a remarkably clever particular person, which he maintains by receiving all intelligence and expressing all opinions with a dubious sneer, accompanied with a half smile, expressive of anything you please however good-humour. It’s extraordinary how quickly a censorious younger gentleman may make a fame in his personal small circle if he bear this in his thoughts, and regulate his proceedings accordingly. He provides all the younger ladies to understand, that Miss Martineau is the best lady that ever lived; and once they praise the attractiveness of Mr. Hawkins the brand new member, says he is very properly for a consultant, all things thought-about, but he wants a little calling to account, and he’s more than half afraid it is going to be necessary to carry him down on his knees for that vote on the miscellaneous estimates. At this, the young ladies specific a lot wonderment, and say absolutely a Member of Parliament is to not be introduced upon his knees so easily; in reply to which the political young gentleman smiles sternly, and throws out darkish hints regarding the speedy arrival of that day, when Members of Parliament can be paid salaries, and required to render weekly accounts of their proceedings, at which the young ladies utter many expressions of astonishment and incredulity, whereas their lady-mothers regard the prophecy as little else than blasphemous.
As such discussions can please nobody however the talkative events involved, we hope they may henceforth take the trace and discontinue them, in any other case we now give them warning, that the ladies have our advice to discountenance such talkers altogether. In society, at assemblies, balls, and playhouses, these political young gentlemen are perpetually on the look ahead to a political allusion, or anything which can be tortured or construed into being one; when, thrusting themselves into the very smallest openings for his or her favourite discourse, they fall upon the unhappy firm tooth and nail. If you happen to ask Felix how he finds himself to-day, he prefaces his reply with an extended and minute bulletin of his mom’s state of health; and the nice lady in her flip, edifies her acquaintance with a circumstantial and alarming account, how he sneezed 4 occasions and coughed once after being out within the rain the other night time, however having his feet promptly put into hot water, and his head right into a flannel-something, which we is not going to describe more significantly than by this delicate allusion, was fortunately brought spherical by the following morning, and enabled to go to business as normal.